Here you can find my private notes about programming that I wanted to share with you. Feel free to filter based on the topic you want or search for something specific.
How to fix the "duplicate identifier" error in TypeScript
When working with TypeScript, there is a big chance that you will have to deal with a “duplicate identifier” error sooner or later.
But what exactly this error means? Read the error text again. Duplicate identifier. You are defining, with other words referencing, the same identifier (class, method, property) twice in your code.
Ever wondered how the null coalescing operator || works in JavaScript?
For those who are wondering what exactly the null coalescing operator is, consider the following example:
It is very probably that you already used such code in your programs. In the previous example, with the || operator we are practically set the number 10 to variable b, if the value inside variable a is null.
How to fix the "Invalid tag value. This XML tag has an invalid value. Please fix it and resubmit." error when using the jekyll-sitemap gem.
After I installed the jekyll-sitemap gem on my Jekyll website and tried to register the generated sitemap in my Google webmaster account, I received from Google the following error:
Invalid tag value. This XML tag has an invalid value. Please fix it and resubmit.