My articles about DevOps

The way to fix the You don’t appear to have an active Azure subscription error in Azure DevOps

I recently wanted to configure the CI/CD process in Azure DevOps of a new application I created and wire it with my Azure account so that the application will be deployed on an App Service. A missing user permission in the project settings was the problem. Lets see the steps to solve the error.

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Tips and tricks for accelerating your pipelines on GitLab

When practicing continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD), optimizing build, test, and deploy times becomes crucial. GitLab, a popular platform for managing CI/CD pipelines, offers several strategies to speed up your workflows. Let’s explore some tricks you can use to accelerate the entire process.

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Azure DevOps - Get the capacity of your team in the current sprint programmatically

Microsoft Azure DevOps provides a solid way of tracking your team-progress while using the scrum principles.

Nuget Packages with WebApi Clients are provided for accessing your team information via code. For example you can access the queries of your team, the work items of your backlog and much more!

In this article we will focus on getting the capacity of the current sprint for each member of your team. This is the code snippet that does our job:

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Secure your Azure Functions while in development

Azure Functions are compact and lightweight chunks of code hosted in Azure cloud and can be accessed via HTTP. Since these functions might access sensible data of your application, you want a safe way to call them.

When you are in the development phase, you can use the Host Keys which is a way of authenticating yourself when calling an Azure Function.

When in production, you will have to change to App Service Authentication, since the Host Keys should not be stored in the client’s machines.

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Implement a static Vue app and deploy it on Azure using CI/CD. Part 2, Continuous Delivery

In the previous article we focused on building the Continuous Integration Pipeline of our hello-world Vue app.

In Part 2 we are going to do the steps for deploying the result of the CI Pipeline to Azure. From there our static website is going to be visible to the rest of the world.

Here are the steps you will have to take:

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Implement a static Vue app and deploy it on Azure using CI/CD. Part 1, Continuous Integration

While I have some extra free time because of the Corona virus outbreak, I decided to experiment with Vue and build a small static HTML Hello-World application for getting to know the framework better. The website contains no backend code.

The article focuses on how to automate the Build and Deploy process of our small application. I will try to clarify the steps needed till our static website is visible through an Azure URL.

In this article I will skip the Vue logic of my app and focus solely on the DevOps tasks that have to be made in Azure DevOps. Our static website will then be deployed on an Azure Storage Container. The article focuses on Windows users.

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How to disable a Nuget Feed in a .NET project

Most of us use private Feeds in Nuget for storing our Nuget Packages. However, since some projects might have other security restrictions that others, it is possible that we want to disable some Feeds in our project, so that we do not have them as references.

To do this “black-listing” of Feeds you can use the following configuration:

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Create an Azure Function with Storage Table in Visual Studio Code

Back in 2017, I wrote an article about how to program an Azure Function in Visual Studio. With the current article I want to give the current state of creating Functions, this time in Visual Studio Code.

We are going to create a GET Function that retrieves all the rows from an Azure Storage Table and returns them the caller.

Here are the steps from scratch:

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Connect to an MSSQL Database running on a Docker Container

Running an MSSQL Database inside a Linux Docker Container can be done for many reasons. You might want to host your dockerize your whole web application or even the DB part of it. When using such a Container you want to have an easy way to see the content of the Database. For that we can use the SQL Server Management Studio tool.

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How to solve the "ERROR [IM002] [unixODBC][Driver Manager]Data source name not found and no default driver specified" error when setting up an ODBC connection

Lately I was setting up a web application inside a Docker. container which communicates via ODBC with a database. In order to be able to query the database, I had to add the name of the database and the credentials into the odbc.ini and odbcinst.ini files. My queries were failing with the following message: “ERROR [IM002] [unixODBC][Driver Manager]Data source name not found and no default driver specified”

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How to install Windows SSL certificates into your Docker Linux container

When using web applications inside a Docker Container you might come across SSL certificates that have to be installed on the running Container. Things get a little bit more complicated when you want to install Windows certificates into a Linux Image. Following you can see the steps to achieve this task.

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How to keep the IIS Application Pools always awake

When working with “9 to 5” web applications you deal with idle time periods where the users submit few or no requests to specific services of your application. In that cases the first request landing to a service hosted on IIS will take much longer than usual because the service was in sleep mode for better management of resources.

We can avoid this behavior and keep our services in an always-running mode by applying the following three configurations in IIS:

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How to solve the "project.assets.json not found. Run a NuGet package restore to generate this file" problem in .NET Core applications when using MSBuild

While I was developing a .NET Core web application and wanted to automate the build process in VSTS, I got the following error, when I was triggering the build:

Error: Assets file ...\project.assets.json not found. Run a NuGet package restore to generate this file. Process 'msbuild.exe' exited with code 1.

The issue here is that needed .NET Core files are missing, when we start build our application. I solved this problem by defined an extra initial step in my build process.

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