My Blog

Here you can find my private notes about programming that I wanted to share with you. Feel free to filter based on the topic you want or search for something specific.

    Why you should start using Strict fakes in FakeItEasy library for .Net

    When you create a fake object using FakeItEasy, it allows you to configure the behavior of its methods and properties. By default, unconfigured calls to these members return default values, for example a method call will return null. This behavior can make your unit-tests perform unexpectedly, since you will be testing only with the returned default value. If you want to enforce stricter behavior during testing, then strict fakes come into play.

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    The way to fix the You don’t appear to have an active Azure subscription error in Azure DevOps

    I recently wanted to configure the CI/CD process in Azure DevOps of a new application I created and wire it with my Azure account so that the application will be deployed on an App Service. A missing user permission in the project settings was the problem. Lets see the steps to solve the error.

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    Tips and tricks for accelerating your pipelines on GitLab

    When practicing continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD), optimizing build, test, and deploy times becomes crucial. GitLab, a popular platform for managing CI/CD pipelines, offers several strategies to speed up your workflows. Let’s explore some tricks you can use to accelerate the entire process.

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    How to create a Nuget Package of your .NET code and host it in a private Azure DevOps Feed

    In this tutorial we are going to see how to set up your .NET code as a Nuget Package and host this package on an private Azure DevOps Feed. You can then use the Package on other .NET projects.

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    How to create an image gallery with Grid and only two CSS classes

    For my latest article I wanted to create a matrix of photos and the grid layout option of CSS came into the rescue. With only two CSS classes, one for the grid itself and one for the grid cells you can create a beautiful image gallery for your website.

    We are also going to see how to apply the grid on Markdown code and how to change the way the grid is presented on mobile devices.

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