My Blog

Here you can find my private notes about programming that I wanted to share with you. Feel free to filter based on the topic you want or search for something specific.

    Useful tips and tricks when writing unit tests with Moq (Part II)

    Some time ago I wrote an article about Moq with some tricks I used while unit testing my code.

    In this article you will find some more tips that I found very useful while using the framework.

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    How to use Postman when testing .NET Core WebAPI actions with FromBody and FromForm attributes

    Postman requires no introductions and plenty of resources about this tool can be found online. However, while testing I recently noticed, that the binding of JSON objects to C# primitive types or POCO classes is not documented in detail.

    We are going to see different scenarios of binding while we test against a .NET WebAPI and try to answer the question “why my action is not getting called when everything is set up in Postman?”.

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    How to solve the 502.05 Process Failure error when debugging your application in Visual Studio

    Recently while I was trying to test a demo application with .NET Core I came around the following error message when I was starting the application using F5:

    The 502.05 Process Failure error

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    A "work in progress"-list with the Docker commands I use the most

    Since the start of 2019, I have been using Docker containers in the projects I work on. Working with a command line tool (Windows PowerShell, Shell, etc.) is essential when creating new containers. Below is a list of the commands I use the most:

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    Deserialize a JSON string into a C# object and set custom values into a property of that object

    This week I had to deserialize a JSON string into a collection of C# objects. The class of these objects contained not only the properties that map directly to the JSON properties but also an extra property which I wanted to fill with values based on the values of other properties of the object.

    Let us consider the following simple POCO class and its container, which is a simple array of Students:

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