My Blog

Here you can find my private notes about programming that I wanted to share with you. Feel free to filter based on the topic you want or search for something specific.

    How to place the elements of a list at the bottom of an absolute positioned parent element

    Suppose you have a HTML-list and you want to place its elements at the bottom of a parent element which is positioned absolute in your website and also has a predefined height. Apart from that you also want the list to be scrollable, when not all elements can be shown inside the parent element.

    Consider the following HTML code which solves these two problems:

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    How to create a less function (mixin) and use it for implementing beautiful and customized CSS box-shadows

    Less supports the creation of pseudo-functions that can be used as CSS-classes in your less files. Doing this way you can save multiple keystrokes, automate your stylings and avoid syntax errors.

    Lets take a look at a function that automates the creation of CSS box-shadows and supports new browsers by making use of browser prefixes.

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    How to exclude a file from TFS source safe in Visual Studio?

    Often you want to include a file into one of your Visual Studio projects, but you do not want to check it in TFS. Such files can be for example .css files generated from sass or less files or JavaScript files created automatically after TypeScript files are compiled.

    Visual Studio provides a way to perform this task. Unfortunately it is not as easy as it sounds…

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    How to fix the "duplicate identifier" error in TypeScript

    When working with TypeScript, there is a big chance that you will have to deal with a “duplicate identifier” error sooner or later.

    But what exactly this error means? Read the error text again. Duplicate identifier. You are defining, with other words referencing, the same identifier (class, method, property) twice in your code.

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    Ever wondered how the null coalescing operator || works in JavaScript?

    For those who are wondering what exactly the null coalescing operator is, consider the following example:

    var a = null;
    var b = a || 10;
    console.log(b); // It will log 10

    It is very probably that you already used such code in your programs. In the previous example, with the || operator we are practically set the number 10 to variable b, if the value inside variable a is null.

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