My Blog

Here you can find my private notes about programming that I wanted to share with you. Feel free to filter based on the topic you want or search for something specific.

    Azure DevOps - Get the capacity of your team in the current sprint programmatically

    Microsoft Azure DevOps provides a solid way of tracking your team-progress while using the scrum principles.

    Nuget Packages with WebApi Clients are provided for accessing your team information via code. For example you can access the queries of your team, the work items of your backlog and much more!

    In this article we will focus on getting the capacity of the current sprint for each member of your team. This is the code snippet that does our job:

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    Secure your Azure Functions while in development

    Azure Functions are compact and lightweight chunks of code hosted in Azure cloud and can be accessed via HTTP. Since these functions might access sensible data of your application, you want a safe way to call them.

    When you are in the development phase, you can use the Host Keys which is a way of authenticating yourself when calling an Azure Function.

    When in production, you will have to change to App Service Authentication, since the Host Keys should not be stored in the client’s machines.

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    The Reference vs. Value Types with an easy to understand example

    In this article I would like to use a simple example for presenting you the difference between a Reference and a Value Type. Such an example shows us how careful we have to be when dealing with properties of different types. Consider the following class and list in C#:

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    The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "XXX". The conflict occurred in database "XXX", table "XXX", column "XXX" error and how to fix it

    It is very common to do migrations of data from a table of one database to another or inserting backed-up data into a table. For these tasks you will have to use long .sql scripts with INSERT statements.

    When doing such migrations one possible problem might be that the Foreign Keys referenced in the primary-table will throw the INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint “XXX. The conflict occurred in database “”, table “”, column “” error.

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    The complete guide to cast different types to and from enums in .NET Core

    Enumerations are a great way to standardize your code and move away from using string literals or integers for if-conditions. For example using this Gender gender = Gender.Female instead of this string gender = "Female" is much cleaner and you get a single point of change in the Enum. However, since you might dealing with legacy code, you will have to cast the strings or integers to your Enumerations when connecting new with old code. Lets see how this is done.

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