My Blog

Here you can find my private notes about programming that I wanted to share with you. Feel free to filter based on the topic you want or search for something specific.

    How to fix the 'Unable to find "react" ("npm") in the registry' error when using the tool Typings and TypeScript

    During the last years we see that every month new JavaScript frameworks/ tools/ libraries are coming out to the public and they all promise to help us develop better, faster and give more quality to our applications. One of the favorite combinations is currently the use of the React framework, TypeScript as superset of JavaScript and the webpack tool for combining files together, dependencies and more.

    When using the combination, it is very probably that you are also going to use the Typings plugin for fast downloading of definitions files for TypeScript.

    If you installed react with npm and you get the ‘Unable to find “react” (“npm”) in the registry’ error from Typings when you try to download the d.ts file of react, then here is the solution to your problem:

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    Create a breadcrumb list of links with JavaScript and use it inside your React applications!

    The advantages of using breadcrumbs in your web applications are widely known.

    Suppose we have the following example of chained links in a breadcrumb: Main page > Main category 1 > Sub category 1 > Product 1

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    How to check if a string in JavaScript contains only numbers

    There is often the case that you want to check if a string in JavaScript contains only numbers or you might just want to extract the numbers from a string, but you want to do this extraction only when the string only contains numbers. The most common case for such check is when you want to read a value (returned as string from JavaScript) from an input field of a form and evaluate if this value is a number or not.

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    A quick guide about how to transfer your Jekyll blog from GitHub to Bitbucket and host it with Aerobatic for free!

    Recently I decided to transfer my personal blog which is implemented with Jekyll from GitHub to Bitbucket and access it with the Aerobatic addon.

    Here is a compact list of steps you have to follow if you also want to host your Jekyll blog on Bitbucket:

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    How to convert a number in Less code into a valid CSS measuring unit

    When working with less you most probably have to do some calculations and assign their result in a CSS property, for example into a width of a CSS class or a margin of an CSS id.

    Apart from the calculated number you want to generate valid CSS code, so you also have to apply a measuring unit to this number, for example pixels or ems or percentages.

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