My Blog

Here you can find my private notes about programming that I wanted to share with you. Feel free to filter based on the topic you want or search for something specific.

    How to update your Azure Functions from version 2 (V2) to version 3 (V3)

    Here is a small and quick article about how to perform the update in your C# project that contains the Azure Functions of your application

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    How to fix the When passing parameters by position, each parameter can only be referenced once Dapper error

    I lately had to write some queries using Dapper which use a date, defined from the user, and check this date against two other from-to dates. In other words the query tries to find if a given date is inside the range of two other dates. When I tried to use the same date-parameter to Dapper, I was getting the following exception: When passing parameters by position, each parameter can only be referenced once.

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    Use the ISNULL function in MSSQL to define default values in your queries

    When I work with SQL-Views and create complex SELECT statements that return data from multiple tables, I like to define default values in case a row contains columns with NULL as value. To do this I use the ISNULL function.

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    How to fix the "Unable to retrieve child resources. This request is not authorized to perform this operation" error on Azure Storage Explorer

    If you use the Azure cloud for hosting your application, chances are that you are also using a Storage Account and you are accessing its content via the Azure Storage Explorer tool.

    If you are all of the sudden get the Unable to retrieve child resources. This request is not authorized to perform this operation error, then a possible reason for that is that the IP you are using to connect to Azure is not yet white-listed

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    The complete guide on how to update your Jekyll blog to the latest version on your Windows machine

    I lately had to install Jekyll on my new machine for some local development and realized that I should also update the Jekyll version of my blog. With this guide I am going to show you the steps for updating your Jekyll blog and how to fix a number of possible errors, if your blog or its dependencies are outdated.

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