My Blog

Here you can find my private notes about programming that I wanted to share with you. Feel free to filter based on the topic you want or search for something specific.

    The way to have two or more Jekyll blogs in your Git Pages website

    I wanted to split my blog into two separate blogs, one for my technology articles and one for everyday tips and tricks, so I searched for a way to do that on my Jekyll website which is hosted on a Git Page on GitHub.

    Unfortunately Git Pages do not support the version 2.0 of the jekyll paginate plugin which would allow me to split the posts into Categories and iterate on each blog over a specific category.

    Here are the steps I followed to solve this problem:

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    Why is my HiddenFor property having an empty value in the MVC4 view

    When dealing with ASP.NET MVC you might use hidden fields to pass values of model properties from the view to an action of a controller. So you will find yourself writing something like that in your view:

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    How to prevent Model Binding of UI properties to the MVC Model in your .NET Core application

    We are dealing here with a security risk for your .NET Core application. Suppose you are having the following MVC model in your .NET application and the user can edit in a UI-form her Firstname and Lastname. The property Age cannot be edited on the form. The business logic tells us that it will be filled later. However, the user, with the help of simple tools such as Postman or Google console debugger can edit the Age property. Let us see how we can block such actions.

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    How to copy data-files to the TestResults folder of your MSTest unit-tests

    When running unit-tets you will often want to read data from .txt or .xml files. On the runtime, these files have to be copied to the TestResults folder. By choosing Copy to Output Directory: Copy always or Build Action: embedded Resource for these files will not help and the file is not found when the unit-test runs.

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    Configure your Gulp file for converting, concatenating and minifying your SASS files into CSS

    Even though Gulp is a bit outdated task runner in web development, I am an old user of it, trust it and use it for the CSS generation in my blog. In this article we are going to see how I convert the SASS code into CSS, sanitize it and minify it.

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